Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A missing tooth...

Our little James is teething.  This is obvious by his unexplainable fussiness and his need to always have something in his mouth; he will forcefully put something in his mouth and fuss and fuss until its something that satisfies his needs to chomp.  BUT there is no sign of an impending tooth.  No raised bumps, no white coming through his gums.  His gums looks the same as they did when he was a newborn.  I feel like this little man has been teething for MONTHS and it has been particularly bad for over a week now.  I just had to rant!  And say, "Come, little toother, come, let my son out of his misery (for now, atleast)"!!!  The end.  I wish I could write more, but baby is asleep and I am home on a break from a retreat that I am helping out with for our seniors.  Tomorrow, Attila and I are giving talks about feminity/masculinity as Christians and how that applies to dating.  With a couple weeks until we go home to South Bend, we are anxiously waiting to see our familia but trying to keep our focus on the task laid out for us here in Tejas!  Love to you all!

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Day in the Life (sort of)

So, many times through out a week, I comment to Attila about how "upside down" our lives are.  Completely different then our quiet, laid back life in Frankfort.  Some good friends of ours hate the word "busy" (because it is so easy to use that as an excuse for things) but I hate to say that our life is busy, especially compared to what it was in Indiana.  And I have to admit it, I kinda like it!  Through some of the crazy days, though, we still have peace and joy, from our great Lord, who has us where He wants us.  Yay!  I thought I would share what a typical day looks like for us:

6:30 AM - Momma wakes up to get ready for work
7:30 AM - Nurse baby, get things gathered for work, and head out!
8:00 AM - Usually at work by now.  Morning announcements. (Attila and baby at home sleeping in together)
8:25 AM - Teaching Church History to Juniors (I have 9 students in this class)
9:20 AM - First period is over so I had back home. 
9:30 AM - Nurse baby, breakfast time for family, play time with baby (or nap time if he didn't sleep in)
10:00 AM - On certain days, Attila will start to head into work.  If not, we get the morning together to relax and play with Attila James.  Sometimes we take turns entertaining baby so the other can lesson plan (Attila plans Confirmation nights and Middle School youth group nights, so he basically lesson plans, too).
12:00 ish - Lunch for whole family (if T went into work earlier he comes home for lunch.)  Baby nurses and will usually eat a little bit of oatmeal mixed with fruit (purreed of course).  At this time he is usually waking up from a nap or needs to go down for a nap.
12:30 - play time OR nap time for baby.  Mom and Dad get housework done or other work.  Or relax.
1:45 PM - Gather stuff for work and pack the diaper bag for the day (somedays we will leave earlier to have some family prayer time at the church)
2:00 - Mom back to work to teach 2 afternoon classes (Introduction to Catholicism with Freshmen and PE).  Dad and baby to Most Precious Blood (our church and Attila's work) where Dad does work while baby naps/plays in the office.  Since James is now eating solids, Attila is usually able to feed him while Mom is gone, which is nice.  He eats green beans or carrots and has a little bit of water.
4:00 - Momma is done with work and heads to the church to see the boys (the school and church are about 2 blocks from eachother).  Nurse baby and Mom and baby play till Dad is done with work.  This is where things can get crazy:
              -On Mondays, we stay and pray the Rosary with our friends at 5 pm then Attila has a middle school planning meeting at about 5:30.  Mom and baby go home and Dad gets a ride home and is home around 7.
             -Attila has Tuesdays off, which is when Mom makes yummy dinner and we have a nice evening at home.
             -On Wednesdays, there is Lifeteen (which is our Confirmation class).  There are over 150 teens that are signed up.  So its basically "all hands on deck" for the night. We have girls come in to babysit while Attila runs the night and I lead a small group.  We eat dinner at the Church.  The class starts at 6:30 and we are not home from everything until about 10 pm at night!  But we love it.  The teens love Attila James, too!
             -Thursdays, Attila sometimes stays for an event for teens that we have called "Young Apostles".  There are 3 Youth Ministers at the Church and not all of them need to be there for it.  If he stays, he's not home till after 9, otherwise, he works during the day and we go home together at 5 pm.
              -Fridays - Attila works during the day and we have the evening together UNLESS there is a retreat (which lasts all weekend). Currently he is on a "camping retreat" for the weekend.  The next retreat is in January and then in March.  Also, we will probably start going to athletic games at the high schools more regularly on Fridays. 
              -Saturday - day off for Attila!  Momma will take a couple hours to lesson plan.  We do housework and grocery shopping.  Go to church at 5:30 pm.  Saturday nights we try to hang out with friends!
              -Sunday - another big day for Attila's work.  If we didn't go to church Saturday evening, we go in the morning and Attila heads into work at 1 pm.  "The Edge" (middle school youth group) is at 3 pm and the High school Bible Study is at 6:30 pm.  He is not home until 10 pm.  I get to spend time resting, finishing up things for work, and playing with baby!

I hope that gives y'all an idea about how a day/week goes for us.  For Attila's work, since he is ministering to the youth, they are always trying to improve at "relational ministry" so as time goes on, he will be spending more time with the teens, like going to lunch at the high schools and attending high school events.  Basically, we spend a lot of time at church!  But like I said, we love it.  We love serving the Lord and it works for our family.  God bless!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I thought I would update y'all real quick about what it is this Teeny Valentiny has been up to.  I was just sitting on the couch with him in my lap, scrolling through the internet.  I had a cup next to the computer.  Attila James lifted himself up from the sitting position, leaned himself against the side of the couch, and reached out to grab my glass.  So I gave it to him and he proceeded to try and lift it and put it to his mouth.  TOO BIG!  He wants to grab, grab, grab.  Right now he is rolling around on the floor, trying to get to the computer cords.  Here is a list of new things he does since we've moved:

Roll around to get to places he wants to be, from his back to his belly, from his belly to his back.

On his back or his belly, he reaches for things in his sight and will "shimmy" his way toward them.

Eats solids everyday now.  Cereal once a day mixed with fruit and we just started adding half a container of veggies around dinner.  Somedays he eats more then others.

Yells, quite loud. 

Gets frustrated very easily while trying to maneauver toys/objects.  Gets frustrated when he can't grab what he wants.

Sits up and plays.  He will still fall every now and then, but I've been watching him the past couple of days catch his balance when he's about to fall over. 

Loves to watch himself in the mirror. 

Loves to bang his chubby little hands on every surface, even Momma's flabby belly :)

Wants to holds every utensil, plate, and cup that Mom and Dad use.

Is teething like a maniac.

Loves to be tickled.  Wants to be entertained most of the time and will fuss until someone is sitting near him while he plays. 

Hates being strapped in the car seat.

Loves loves loves to play with Daddy.

Is experiencing seperation anxiety from Momma.

Takes better naps for Daddy then he does for Momma. 

Loves to sleep in in the morning with Dad while Momma goes to work.  As much as I wish I was a full time stay at home Mommy, I love that Attila and James are getting some great time together.  Attila has been gone now for 2 whole days on retreat and I can tell that baby misses him.  It is too sweet.  Yay for amazing Dads!

We've been to the beach a couple of times and James does NOT like being close to the waves.  They scare him :(  But I'm sure in the spring it will be a different story. 

More to come later!