Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Sacrifices

I just wrote an entire post that got deleted!  Aagh!  So now I will try my best to remember what I had written the first time around...

I haven't posted in a month!  I hate to say that February was "busy" (because that term is used so lightly as an excuse to not do things) but we had a lot going on. Normally, I would've thrived off of all we had planned (youth group functions and retreats, many meetings at Church, a quick trip to South Bend, visits to the doctor, baby shower planning + registering, plus grocery shopping, laundry and cleaning with full time jobs) but being 8 months pregnant takes a toll!  There hasn't been many nights at home for the evening to relax. Attila is even gone right now at a meeting in Lafayette and I could've gone to another church function, but I needed to stay home!

In the past month, pregancy has showed up in full force.  I will say, and most women agree, the second trimester was AWESOME!  It's a special time when you start feeling the baby move.  Now that I'm well into the third trimester, I still love being pregnant and experiencing this little life within me.  But more and more each day there is the realization that my body is not my own.  There is another person growing inside of me, and theres less and less room for both of us to live comfortably everyday.  I feel like I am officially apart of the pregnancy experience; I've been initiated now that I am experiencing all the stereotypical symptoms. 

Lots of burps!  If I move from laying down to sitting up, its a given that I will burp many times in a row!  And lots of peeing.  I am constantly aware of my bladder.  This baby's head is right where it needs to be, meaning its right on top of my bladder and meaning I waddle as fast as I can when I feel like I may explode. It can be painful!  It doesn't help that my mother in law told me Attila was born with a big head, and I am convinced this baby will have a big head, too.  This head has to be big with how much pain I'm in :)  I am also beginning to feel my lungs and ribs smooshed by the top of my growing uterus, hence why I may sound outta breath if you talk to me on the phone or in person.  My carpel tunnel is getting worse, but I have a splint which helps a lot.  And then there is the swelling!  When I weighed in this week at the docs, I had gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks.  The doc looked at my legs and knew I am retaining water.  My legs look like tree trunks and my toes look like sausages!  I am quite fascinated (and a lil disgusted) at what my ankles look like.  I have to lay low on the sodium and keep drinking water! 

We're also in "preparation for labor" mode.  Since we're planning on a natural birth, it's "go time" to really kick exercises and stretches into gear.  My cute husband is my "coach" and is taking this role seriously.  Today, he was so adament on doing the exercises and stretches.  But its good, I really need him to help me prepare my body for labor.  We're entering a new phase of this pregnancy and of our marriage, really.  He's getting to know my body more, too and I'm only going to rely on him more and more to help me out physically.  Sometimes, I do fall into the trap of thinking "you have no idea what I'm going through" or "you won't ever have to experience the pains of labor" mentality and harbor feelings of resentment toward him for still being to live a normal functioning life.  But he is taking such an active role in being my "coach" that I really think he WILL experience what I do and labor will be just as demanding on him.  He already sacrifices so much to help me be more comfortable everyday and our marriage is becoming more of the reality "two become one".  The TWO of us are sacrificing and preparing as if we were one person, in union, working together to bring the fruit of our love into this world! 

God is so great and has blessed us beyond measure!  I don't think its a coincidence that I'm due right after Easter, and that the most difficult part of pregnancy will be during Lent.  God is refining me and my little family and bringing us even closer to the beauty of His Cross and His Glory.  Amen, so be it!


  1. I love reading your posts! Keep 'em up sister, you write well. And I like to hear about what is going on! Be strong babes! Love you!

  2. alycia, i love reading your blog and being up on your life! you have always been such an inspiration in my life, even in the short time i have known you. i love your wisdom and your humanness. it is so honest and beautiful! you're awesome and i cant wait for your little darling to come into this world! xoxo, shannon m

  3. Pregnancy is quite a journey, isn't it?! I'm going through much of the same, but mostly in the evening, thank goodness. I hope you get some relief, try a bath now and then, they can be wonderful!
