Friday, October 22, 2010


We are so excited to announce that we are going to have our first baby!  I am 13 weeks along now, so we're officially through the first trimester, hence our formal public announcement!  This blog's purpose is to allow all our friends and family to experience this pregnancy with us, since we don't live at home anymore and since others are in other parts of the country. 

Here are some highlights from our first trimester:

September 1: Took the pregnancy test at home!  Attila was there to read the results with me.  I definitely danced around the house with pure joy and Attila was all smiles.  The reality that, wow, we can concieve a child, was amazing and is such a blessing from God.  We both decided to wait a little while before telling more people, to see where God would take the pregnancy.  I was about 5 weeks pregnant at the time.

September 24-ish: By this time we were almost 9 weeks and decided to start telling some close friends and family.  It makes it so real and so much more joy-filled to share the exciting news.  To tell our family (both sets of parents, some siblings and niece and nephews) we planned a "birthday party" for me with everyone there at my Dad's house.  I had Teddy, the oldest grandchild of my family and my dear godson, read a "note" from Aunt Alycia and Uncle T, which read "We are pregnant".  Both of our moms cried quite a bit.  My dad shed a tear or two.  My stepmom, Karen, had pretty much caught on before the big annoucement, but was just as well excited.  And Attila's Dad had a look of shock almost, as he later explained his budget would take a chunk out for the grandbaby, hehe.  So fun!

October 12: We heard the heartbeat!  170 beats per minute.  I was 11 weeks along.  Nothing will ever compare to that moment.  The mysterious little baby in my womb was a little less a mystery.  What a gift!

There have been many nights where my dear husband has "talked" to the baby. Everytime he has something goofy to say, he's so cute.  I can't wait to see him as a daddy in action, and to have more of him in this world, I love him so much ;)

It's amazing to ponder how both of us will never be the same again.  We're basically new people; we're a mom and a dad.  It's so great to reflect and pray about being parents and carrying this little one.  We've helped in the creation of life, of a person, who is body and soul.  I know its philosophical, but that's who Attila and I are! 

Come join us on our journey of amazement at the gift of life!  (I can also be cheesy, too!)


  1. Congratulations!!! The funny thing is, when I do my morning intercessory prayers for all of my pregnant friends, as I am praying for Theresa and her baby, I keep thinking about you! I knew there had to be a reason!! :)

  2. YAY!!!!! I was just thinking you must have hit 12 weeks! I'm so happy for you guys! And thanks, Leilani, for the prayers!
