Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Simple Life

As I hit about the 3 months to go mark, I'm getting very anxious about all that needs to be done before the little one gets here.  Our "guest bedroom" is still a "catch all" with not much room in the closet for new baby clothes and gear.  We still have our bills and files just randomly sitting on top of one of the dressers.  I'd like this room to be the baby's and the status of it right now is a little stressful.  There is also the task of registering for things for our showers and of course, I want to register for things I really think I will use and will really need.  In both of these things, planning the "nursery" and registering for new things, a big part of me wants to get all this cute, new stuff that matches and looks great.  I want a "design" for the baby room.  This would also cost a good amount of money to do all this. 

Something I feel the Lord has been putting on my heart lately is simplicity.  I just desire, and by His grace am able to sometimes, have a simple trust in Him that we will have everything we need for this baby.  Is it crucial to my child's rearing that they have all "cute" and "new" things?  Will they even know the difference if their crib was bought new or used?  20 years from now, will my child say "I really wish my Mom and Dad (and rest of family) bought me a lot more things" ? I'm thinking the answer is no to all this.  In the past couple weeks, the Lord has softened my heart to be so grateful and content with things people are willing to give to us for our baby that are used, free of charge.  Someone has offered to give us their old "pack n play" and a used car seat/ stroller.  Are they going to match everything else?  Probably not. But those are two less things we'll have to buy and I am so grateful for that!  I also know that I can be creative and will make our child's room look "cute" and coordinated, even with a modge podge of things.  It's pretty exciting actually!  The thought of other people helping us out by donating their old stuff to us gives me a great sense of community and am humbled by people's eagerness to help us out. 

Today is the anniversary of Roe V. Wade, the case that legalized abortion.  As I am carrying my unborn child, I have a new awareness and understanding for women who find themselves in scary and tough situations.  And it saddens me that many women choose abortion because they are lacking this sense of a community who are willing to support them.  We fail.  Let us all make the sacrifices needed to lift up the greater good of our community and those individuals who need our help the most.  God grant us the strength to lift up our heads and be compassionate!

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with simplicity a lot, too. I like things being simple, but I also know that we should make our houses look nice, how do we strike a balance without going overboard? I'm glad you've been talking about this lately, it's a good reminder for me :)
